Through the use traditional Chinese medicine techniques including acupuncture, herbal medication, cupping, Tui Na, and Chi Gong we strive to treat common ailments such as emotional imbalances, digestive disorders, fertility and general pain. Thus, Harmonizing the mind and body to promote an overall healthy balance.
Understanding the Differences Between Dry Needling and Acupuncture
When most people hear the term “acupuncture” they think of needles being inserted into the skin. The term dry needling is often brought up for people suffering from pain
A Helpful Primer on Acupuncture Needles
Just how many types are there and what do they all do?
If you’ve ever thought about trying acupuncture, you might find yourself with an equal mix of curiosity and
Finding Relief: Acupuncture for Neuropathy
According to a 2014 study, approximately 10% of Americans suffer from some form of neuropathic pain. And those numbers have only increased since then. Neuropathy is a condition